There are many reasons why this ministry is badly needed. The overall reason is what is called “the God reason” and is laid out for us in God’s Word which directs us to His will to which we are called to observe for His glory. Others call it “the masculine mandate” found in Genesis 1:28 and reissued by Jesus to His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20. In these two teachings from the mouth of God, men find the keys to life the way that God intended it to be pursued, managed, reproduced, and lived out in relation to Him and all others. What is missing in the culture and society, including the Christian church, is this masculine mandate.
How Does MCM Make a Difference
Sin in our world affects every man and by association, every family on the face of the earth. We lead men to understand that Jesus is the way to truth and life. We provide a structured format that teaches men God’s will, using God’s Word for the purpose of God’s glory.
How Does MCM Respond?
We coach men to be devoted to a way of love and respect that produces men who are faithful husbands, tenderhearted fathers, responsible employers, diligent employees, and servant-leaders. The moral breakdown in society has reached proportions unknown since the decadence of the Greek and Roman empires. Current divorce rates in America have topped the 60% mark within the first three years of marriage. Of men who were married between 1970 and 2010, just 39.6% have remained married. Arizona is listed in the top ten states when it comes to the highest divorce rates in America.
What Impact Does MCM have on this Problem?
It is estimated by the U.S. Bureau of Census that of the 78 million children in America under the age of eighteen, 37% willl go to bed tonight in a home without a biological father. We are living in an ever-increasing fatherless society. This issue is not without severe collateral damage. Note for example that children in female-headed families are five times more likely to live in poverty, repeat a grade, drop-out of school before graduation, and have emotional problems compared to families where a father is present. MCM marriage and family leaders provide highly effective coaching for troubled marriages and families. Our leaders are trained to provide pastoral level mentoring and coaching for all types of marriage crises. Our training also includes pre-marriage reviews and advice.
How Does MCM Make a Difference?
Men are Biblically coached-up as to the true nature of manhood according to Jesus Christ. They are taught to be dedicated to the truth about how God has designed men to love women and and vice versa. We prescribe the work of the Holy Spirit in setting people free from the bondage of their addictions and design mentoring relations to help establish a lasting sobriety as well as a renewed mind for honorable living. Current nationwide statistics on domestic violence site that eight out of every ten calls for police assistance are due to issues involving domestic violence. The issues surrounding alcohol and drug abuse only add to the dilemma of family violence within our communities. Ninety percent of domestic violence calls include children in the homes.
Our culture in America sees men generally as a problem and masculinity as the culprit. Hence, the rise of radical feminism and the legitimacy of homosexuality. When women become the spiritual leaders of the family, only a third of their children will remain connected to the Christian faith. Women make for wonderful mothers but they cannot be loving fathers. God has reserved fatherhood for a man. The loss of identity produces a profound sense of loneliness and emptiness. Men who feel disconnected tend to stay disconnected. Women will try to fill the void, but seldom will it be productive and fruitful. Men need relationships with other men with whom they can be open and honest. A Promise Keeper survey found that 75% of the men surveyed said that they do not share their feelings with anyone! 90% of those surveyed have no accountability process for living! It is no wonder that our society is suffering.
How does MCM intercede into this growing issue?
We coach men to understand that God’s plan for men is to find their identity in Christ. From Christ we receive a divine and eternal purpose, extreme value, and lasting significance. So we teach men to go all-in to Christ, to abide in Him and bear fruit that lasts. They learn to live a life disciplined by the new life of Christ given to them. We call men to Christ and use their circumstances as divine teachable moments.
Men are wired by God with a driving need to matter in the big picture, whether it is at home, in the workplace, at church (men generally represent less than 34% of the total attendees on average Sunday morning) or in the world community. Men need a cause greater than themselves, something that is good at its core and has within it, lasting value. Men need a hero to follow and to go to battle with. Men need coaching to start strong and finish well. Men are designed by God to be noble and honorable, not self-centered mongrels. Men do not fail on purpose any more than they set out to become dead-beat dads. They don’t become addicts or perverts of sexuality on purpose. They lack godly guidance and appropriate models of reasonable, rational, and responsible thinking and behavior.
How does MCM discipleship ministry affect these issues?
First, Jesus is “the light of the world.” He alone is the ultimate way to a fulfilled life that matters. Second, He alone is the source of all truth. He is the foundation and motivation for living a life greater than oneself. His example instills a divine desire to lead, protect, and provide for their families and to fight for justice, especially for those who can’t defend themselves. MCM models and coaches the way, the truth, and the life delivered by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
In what ways does MCM respond?
One of the most significant declines in the modern era of our American culture has been the rapid erosion of the value and honor of being a man. As a result, men defer the Biblical mandate of headship in the family to the wife or to their girlfriend. This transfer of leadership responsibility to women has left women to teach our children not only at home, but at school and in the church. This has left a huge leadership development void for our young men. The solution to decline is Christian discipleship. MCM mentors are trained to disciple young men so that they not only learn the Word of God, but also how to conduct themselves as a man of God. We encourage young men to teach, to be committed and surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ. He lives in God’s will for God’s glory. This is the kind of leader that MCM builds-up and sends out. They are highly equipped young men for the cause of Christ. They will be difference-makers at home, at work, and in their local churches and the world at large.